Job Reason Codes

These reason codes can be used to identify why a pending job has not yet been started by the scheduler. There may be multiple reasons why a job cannot start, in which case only the reason that was encountered by the attempted scheduling method will be displayed. Refer to the Scheduling Configuration Guide for more details.

Common Reasons

  • AssocGrp* — The job's association has reached an aggregate limit.
  • AssocMax* — A portion of the job request exceeds a maximum limit (e.g., PerJob, PerNode) for the requested association.
  • BeginTime — The job's earliest start time has not yet been reached.
  • Dependency — This job has a dependency on another job that has not been satisfied.
  • Max*PerAccount — A portion of the job request exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • Priority — One of more higher priority jobs exist for the partition associated with the job or for the advanced reservation.
  • QOSGrp* — The job's QOS has reached an aggregate limit.
  • QOSMax* — A portion of the job request exceeds a maximum limit (e.g., PerJob, PerNode) for the requested QOS.
  • Resources — The resources requested by the job are not available (e.g., already used by other jobs).

All Reasons

  • AccountingPolicy — Fallback reason when others not matched.
  • AccountNotAllowed — Job is in an account not allowed in a partition.
  • AssocGrpBB — The job's association has reached its aggregate Burst Buffer limit.
  • AssocGrpBBMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Burst Buffers by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpBBRunMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Burst Buffers by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpBilling — The job's association has reached its aggregate Billing limit.
  • AssocGrpBillingMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for the Billing value of a resource by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpBillingRunMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for the Billing value of a resource by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpCpuLimit — The job's association has reached its aggregate CPU limit.
  • AssocGrpCPUMinutesLimit — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for CPUs by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpCPURunMinutesLimit — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for CPUs by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpEnergy — The job's association has reached its aggregate Energy limit.
  • AssocGrpEnergyMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Energy by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpEnergyRunMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Energy by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpGRES — The job's association has reached its aggregate GRES limit.
  • AssocGrpGRESMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for a GRES by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpGRESRunMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for a GRES by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpJobsLimit — The job's association has reached the maximum number of allowed jobs in aggregate.
  • AssocGrpLicense — The job's association has reached its aggregate license limit.
  • AssocGrpLicenseMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Licenses by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpLicenseRunMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Licenses by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpMemLimit — The job's association has reached its aggregate Memory limit.
  • AssocGrpMemMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Memory by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpMemRunMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Memory by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpNodeLimit — The job's association has reached its aggregate Node limit.
  • AssocGrpNodeMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Nodes by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpNodeRunMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Nodes by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpSubmitJobsLimit — The job's association has reached the maximum number of jobs that can be running or pending in aggregate at a given time.
  • AssocGrpUnknown — The job's association has reached its aggregate limit for an unknown generic resource.
  • AssocGrpUnknownMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for an unknown generic resource by past, present and future jobs.
  • AssocGrpUnknownRunMinutes — The job's association has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for an unknown generic resource by currently running jobs.
  • AssocGrpWallLimit — The job's association has reached its aggregate limit for the amount of walltime requested by running jobs.
  • AssocMaxBBMinutesPerJob — The Burst Buffer request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxBBPerJob — The Burst Buffer request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxBBPerNode — The Burst Buffer request exceeds the maximum number each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxBillingMinutesPerJob — The request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use, with Billing taken into account, for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxBillingPerJob — The resource request exceeds the maximum Billing limit each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxBillingPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum Billing limit each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxCpuMinutesPerJobLimit — The CPU request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxCpuPerJobLimit — The CPU request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxCpuPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum number of CPUs each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxEnergyMinutesPerJob — The Energy request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxEnergyPerJob — The Energy request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxEnergyPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum amount of Energy each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxGRESMinutesPerJob — The GRES request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxGRESPerJob — The GRES request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxGRESPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum number of a GRES each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxJobsLimit — The limit on the number of jobs each user is allowed to run at a given time has been met for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxLicenseMinutesPerJob — The License request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxLicensePerJob — The License request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxMemMinutesPerJob — The Memory request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxMemPerJob — The Memory request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxMemPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum amount of Memory each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxNodeMinutesPerJob — The number of nodes requested exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxNodePerJobLimit — The number of nodes requested exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxSubmitJobLimit — The limit on the number of jobs each user is allowed to have running or pending at a given time has been met for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxUnknownMinutesPerJob — The request of an unknown trackable resource exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxUnknownPerJob — The request of an unknown trackable resource exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxUnknownPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum number of an unknown trackable resource each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested association.
  • AssocMaxWallDurationPerJobLimit — The limit on the amount of wall time a job can request has been exceeded for the requested association.
  • AssociationJobLimit — The job's association has reached its maximum job count.
  • AssociationResourceLimit — The job's association has reached some resource limit.
  • AssociationTimeLimit — The job's association has reached its time limit.
  • BadConstraints — The job's constraints can not be satisfied.
  • BeginTime — The job's earliest start time has not yet been reached.
  • BurstBufferOperation — Burst Buffer operation for the job failed.
  • BurstBufferResources — There are insufficient resources in a Burst Buffer resource pool.
  • BurstBufferStageIn — The Burst Buffer plugin is in the process of staging the environment for the job.
  • Cleaning — The job is being requeued and still cleaning up from its previous execution.
  • DeadLine — This job has violated the configured Deadline.
  • Dependency — This job has a dependency on another job that has not been satisfied.
  • DependencyNeverSatisfied — This job has a dependency on another job that will never be satisfied.
  • FedJobLock — The job is waiting for the clusters in the federation to sync up and issue a lock.
  • FrontEndDown — No front end node is available to execute this job.
  • InactiveLimit — The job reached the system InactiveLimit.
  • InvalidAccount — The job's account is invalid.
  • InvalidQOS — The job's QOS is invalid.
  • JobArrayTaskLimit — The job array's limit on the number of simultaneously running tasks has been reached.
  • JobHeldAdmin — The job is held by a system administrator.
  • JobHeldUser — The job is held by the user.
  • JobHoldMaxRequeue — Job has been requeued enough times to reach the MAX_BATCH_REQUEUE limit.
  • JobLaunchFailure — The job could not be launched. This may be due to a file system problem, invalid program name, etc.
  • Licenses — The job is waiting for a license.
  • MaxBBPerAccount — The job's Burst Buffer request exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • MaxBillingPerAccount — The job's Billing request exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • MaxCpuPerAccount — The job's CPU request exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • MaxEnergyPerAccount — The job's Energy request exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • MaxGRESPerAccount — The job's GRES request exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • MaxJobsPerAccount — This job exceeds the per-Account limit on the number of jobs for the job's QOS.
  • MaxLicensePerAccount — The job's License request exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • MaxMemoryPerAccount — The job's Memory request exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • MaxMemPerLimit — The job violates the limit on the maximum amount of Memory per-CPU or per-Node.
  • MaxNodePerAccount — The number of nodes requested by the job exceeds the per-Account limit on the number of nodes for the job's QOS.
  • MaxSubmitJobsPerAccount — This job exceeds the per-Account limit on the number of jobs in a pending or running state for the job's QOS.
  • MaxUnknownPerAccount — The jobs request of an unknown GRES exceeds the per-Account limit on the job's QOS.
  • NodeDown — A node required by the job is down.
  • NonZeroExitCode — The job terminated with a non-zero exit code.
  • None — The job hasn't had a reason assigned to it yet.
  • OutOfMemory — The job failed with an Out Of Memory error.
  • PartitionConfig — Fallback reason when the job violates some limit on the partition.
  • PartitionDown — The partition required by this job is in a DOWN state.
  • PartitionInactive — The partition required by this job is in an Inactive state and not able to start jobs.
  • PartitionNodeLimit — The number of nodes required by this job is outside of its partition's current limits. Can also indicate that required nodes are DOWN or DRAINED.
  • PartitionTimeLimit — The job's time limit exceeds its partition's current time limit.
  • Priority — One of more higher priority jobs exist for the partition associated with the job or for the advanced reservation.
  • Prolog — The job's Prolog program is still running.
  • QOSGrpBB — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate Burst Buffer limit.
  • QOSGrpBBMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Burst Buffers by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpBBRunMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Burst Buffers by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpBilling — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate Billing limit.
  • QOSGrpBillingMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for the Billing value of a resource by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpBillingRunMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for the Billing value of a resource by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpCpuLimit — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate CPU limit.
  • QOSGrpCPUMinutesLimit — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for CPUs by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpCPURunMinutesLimit — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for CPUs by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpEnergy — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate Energy limit.
  • QOSGrpEnergyMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Energy by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpEnergyRunMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Energy by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpGRES — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate GRES limit.
  • QOSGrpGRESMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for a GRES by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpGRESRunMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for a GRES by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpJobsLimit — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of allowed jobs in aggregate.
  • QOSGrpLicense — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate license limit.
  • QOSGrpLicenseMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Licenses by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpLicenseRunMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Licenses by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpMemLimit — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate Memory limit.
  • QOSGrpMemoryMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Memory by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpMemoryRunMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Memory by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpNodeLimit — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate Node limit.
  • QOSGrpNodeMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Nodes by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpNodeRunMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for Nodes by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpSubmitJobsLimit — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of jobs that can be running or pending in aggregate at a given time.
  • QOSGrpUnknown — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate limit for an unknown generic resource.
  • QOSGrpUnknownMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for an unknown generic resource by past, present and future jobs.
  • QOSGrpUnknownRunMinutes — The job's QOS has reached the maximum number of minutes allowed in aggregate for an unknown generic resource by currently running jobs.
  • QOSGrpWallLimit — The job's QOS has reached its aggregate limit for the amount of walltime requested by running jobs.
  • QOSJobLimit — The job's QOS has reached its maximum job count.
  • QOSMaxBBMinutesPerJob — The Burst Buffer request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxBBPerJob — The Burst Buffer request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxBBPerNode — The Burst Buffer request exceeds the maximum number each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxBBPerUser — The Burst Buffer request exceeds the maximum number each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxBillingMinutesPerJob — The request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use, with Billing taken into account, for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxBillingPerJob — The resource request exceeds the maximum Billing limit each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxBillingPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum Billing limit each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxBillingPerUser — The request exceeds the maximum Billing limit each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxCpuMinutesPerJobLimit — The CPU request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxCpuPerJobLimit — The CPU request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxCpuPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum number of CPUs each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit — The CPU request exceeds the maximum each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxEnergyMinutesPerJob — The Energy request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxEnergyPerJob — The Energy request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxEnergyPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum amount of Energy each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxEnergyPerUser — The request exceeds the maximum amount of Energy each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxGRESMinutesPerJob — The GRES request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxGRESPerJob — The GRES request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxGRESPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum number of a GRES each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxGRESPerUser — The request exceeds the maximum number of a GRES each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxJobsPerUserLimit — The limit on the number of jobs a user is allowed to run at a given time has been met for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxLicenseMinutesPerJob — The License request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxLicensePerJob — The License request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxLicensePerUser — The License request exceeds the maximum each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxMemoryMinutesPerJob — The Memory request exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxMemoryPerJob — The Memory request exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxMemoryPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum amount of Memory each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxMemoryPerUser — The request exceeds the maximum amount of Memory each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxNodeMinutesPerJob — The number of nodes requested exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxNodePerJobLimit — The number of nodes requested exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxNodePerUserLimit — The number of nodes requested exceeds the maximum each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxSubmitJobPerUserLimit — The limit on the number of jobs each user is allowed to have running or pending at a given time has been met for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxUnknownMinutesPerJob — The request of an unknown trackable resource exceeds the maximum number of minutes each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxUnknownPerJob — The request of an unknown trackable resource exceeds the maximum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxUnknownPerNode — The request exceeds the maximum number of an unknown trackable resource each node in a job allocation is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxUnknownPerUser — The request exceeds the maximum number of an unknown trackable resource each user is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMaxWallDurationPerJobLimit — The limit on the amount of wall time a job can request has been exceeded for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinBB — The Burst Buffer request does not meet the minimum each job is required to request for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinBilling — The resource request does not meet the minimum Billing limit each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinCpuNotSatisfied — The CPU request does not meet the minimum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinEnergy — The Energy request does not meet the minimum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinGRES — The GRES request does not meet the minimum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinLicense — The License request does not meet the minimum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinMemory — The Memory request does not meet the minimum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinNode — The number of nodes requested does not meet the minimum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSMinUnknown — The request of an unknown trackable resource does not meet the minimum each job is allowed to use for the requested QOS.
  • QOSNotAllowed — The job requests a QOS is not allowed by the requested association or partition.
  • QOSResourceLimit — The job's QOS has reached some resource limit.
  • QOSTimeLimit — The job's QOS has reached its time limit.
  • QOSUsageThreshold — Required QOS threshold has been breached.
  • ReqNodeNotAvail — Some node specifically required by the job is not currently available. The node may currently be in use, reserved for another job, in an advanced reservation, DOWN, DRAINED, or not responding. Nodes which are DOWN, DRAINED, or not responding will be identified as part of the job's "reason" field as "UnavailableNodes". Such nodes will typically require the intervention of a system administrator to make available.
  • Reservation — The job is waiting its advanced reservation to become available.
  • ReservationDeleted — The job requested a reservation that is no longer on the system.
  • Resources — The resources requested by the job are not available (e.g., already used by other jobs).
  • SchedDefer — The job requests an immediate allocation but SchedulerParameters=defer is configured in the slurm.conf.
  • SystemFailure — Failure of the Slurm system, a file system, the network, etc.
  • TimeLimit — The job exhausted its time limit.

Last modified 08 October 2024