User Permissions

Slurm supports several special user permissions as described below.


These users can add, modify, and remove any database object (user, account, etc), and add other operators. On a SlurmDBD served cluster, these users can

  • View information that is blocked to regular uses by a PrivateData flag
  • Create/Alter/Delete Reservations

Set using an AdminLevel option in the user's database record. For configuration information, see Accounting and Resource Limits.


These users have the same level of privileges as an operator in the database. They can also alter anything on a served slurmctld as if they were the SlurmUser or root.

An AdminLevel option in the user's database record. For configuration information, see Accounting and Resource Limits.


A special privileged user, usually an account manager, that can add users or sub-accounts to the account they are coordinator over. This should be a trusted person since they can change limits on account and user associations, as well as cancel, requeue or reassign accounts of jobs inside their realm. Note that a coordinator may not increase job limits above the parent ones.

Set using a table in Slurm's database defining users and accounts for which they can serve as coordinators. For configuration information, see the sacctmgr man page.

Last modified 07 April 2020