Man Pages

NOTE: This documentation is for Slurm version 24.05.
Documentation for other versions of Slurm is distributed with the code


sacctDisplays accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the Slurm job accounting log or Slurm database.
sacctmgrUsed to view and modify Slurm account information.
sallocObtain a Slurm job allocation (a set of nodes), execute a command, and then release the allocation when the command is finished.
sattachAttach to a Slurm job step.
sbatchSubmit a batch script to Slurm.
sbcastTransmit a file to the nodes allocated to a Slurm job.
scancelUsed to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm.
scontrolView or modify Slurm configuration and state.
scrontabManage Slurm crontab files.
scrunAn OCI runtime proxy for slurm.
sdiagScheduling diagnostic tool.
sh5utilMerge utility for acct_gather_profile plugin.
sinfoView information about Slurm nodes and partitions.
slurmSlurm system overview.
sprioView the factors that comprise a job's scheduling priority.
squeueView information about jobs located in the Slurm scheduling queue.
sreportGenerate reports from the slurm accounting data.
srunRun parallel jobs.
sshareTool for listing the shares of associations to a cluster.
sstatDisplay the status information of a running job/step.
striggerUsed to set, get or clear Slurm trigger information.
sviewGraphical user interface to view and modify Slurm state.

Configuration Files

acct_gather.confSlurm configuration file for the acct_gather plugins.
burst_buffer.confSlurm burst buffer configuration.
cgroup.confSlurm configuration file for the cgroup support.
gres.confSlurm configuration file for generic resource management.
helpers.confSlurm configuration file for the node_features/helpers plugin.
job_container.confSlurm configuration file for configuring the tmpfs job container plugin.
knl.confSlurm configuration file for Intel Knights Landing management.
oci.confSlurm configuration file for OCI Containers.
slurm.confSlurm configuration file.
slurmdbd.confSlurm Database Daemon (SlurmDBD) configuration file.
topology.confSlurm configuration file for defining the network topology.

Daemons and Other

slurmctldThe central management daemon of Slurm.
slurmdThe compute node daemon for Slurm.
slurmdbdSlurm Database Daemon.
slurmrestdThe Slurm REST API daemon.
slurmstepdThe job step manager for Slurm.
SPANKSlurm Plug-in Architecture for Node and job (K)control.

Last modified 21 Februrary 2023