Man Pages
NOTE: This documentation is for Slurm version 24.11.
Documentation for other versions of Slurm is distributed with the code
Refer to this page for an overview of Slurm.
sacct | Displays accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the Slurm job accounting log or Slurm database. |
sacctmgr | Used to view and modify Slurm account information. |
salloc | Obtain a Slurm job allocation (a set of nodes), execute a command, and then release the allocation when the command is finished. |
sattach | Attach to a Slurm job step. |
sbatch | Submit a batch script to Slurm. |
sbcast | Transmit a file to the nodes allocated to a Slurm job. |
scancel | Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm. |
scontrol | View or modify Slurm configuration and state. |
scrontab | Manage Slurm crontab files. |
scrun | An OCI runtime proxy for slurm. |
sdiag | Scheduling diagnostic tool. |
sh5util | Merge utility for acct_gather_profile plugin. |
sinfo | View information about Slurm nodes and partitions. |
sprio | View the factors that comprise a job's scheduling priority. |
squeue | View information about jobs located in the Slurm scheduling queue. |
sreport | Generate reports from the slurm accounting data. |
srun | Run parallel jobs. |
sshare | Tool for listing the shares of associations to a cluster. |
sstat | Display the status information of a running job/step. |
strigger | Used to set, get or clear Slurm trigger information. |
sview | Graphical user interface to view and modify Slurm state. |
Configuration Files
acct_gather.conf | Slurm configuration file for the acct_gather plugins. |
burst_buffer.conf | Slurm burst buffer configuration. |
cgroup.conf | Slurm configuration file for the cgroup support. |
gres.conf | Slurm configuration file for generic resource management. |
helpers.conf | Slurm configuration file for the node_features/helpers plugin. |
job_container.conf | Slurm configuration file for configuring the tmpfs job container plugin. |
knl.conf | Slurm configuration file for Intel Knights Landing management. |
mpi.conf | Slurm configuration file to allow the configuration of MPI plugins. |
oci.conf | Slurm configuration file for OCI Containers. |
plugstack.conf | Slurm configuration file for SPANK plug-in stack. |
slurm.conf | Slurm configuration file. |
slurmdbd.conf | Slurm Database Daemon (SlurmDBD) configuration file. |
topology.conf | Slurm configuration file for defining the network topology. |
Daemons and Other
sackd | Slurm Auth and Cred Kiosk Daemon. |
slurmctld | The central management daemon of Slurm. |
slurmd | The compute node daemon for Slurm. |
slurmdbd | Slurm Database Daemon. |
slurmrestd | The Slurm REST API daemon. |
slurmstepd | The job step manager for Slurm. |
SPANK | Slurm Plug-in Architecture for Node and job (K)control. |
Last modified 10 July 2024